Just Some Basic Information about the Residential Addiction Treatment Program

The process which involves various treatments that are categorized as psychotherapeutic is basically called as drug rehabilitation, and the treatments are typically designed to treat people who became dependent on the substances that are recognized as psychoactive and can cause addiction to the user. Some of the most common substances that may cause addiction to a person or individual are cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, prescription drugs, alcoholic drinks, and some other kinds of street drugs and recreational drugs. It is very typical that abusing this kind of substance may produce or create various unhealthy and hazardous consequences to the user, and such may affect various aspects like financial, social, legal, physical, and psychological. Most of the rehabilitation programs are being administered by professionals who specialize in such cases, and most of them are working under a inpatient drug rehabilitation PA center.

One of the most common programs offered by any rehabilitation center is the residential addiction treatment program. This particular treatment program is said to be very effective in preventing or avoiding the occurrence of relapsing, as well as, to help the individual or person to change their negative behavior. It is also reported that the residential addiction treatment program is typically ideal to individuals who have been abusing and using the addictive substances for a long period of time. There are actually three stages of the residential addiction treatment program, and that includes the detoxification process, rehabilitation, and the last one is the aftercare support. Another fact about this particular treatment program is that it is recognized as the best option for the people who are suffering from mental illnesses or disorders that are co-occurring, as well as, to the people who are suffering from severe addictions to the substances. There are actually three therapeutic programs that are being practiced in this particular addiction treatment program, namely the FBT which stands for family behavior therapy, the CBT which stands for cognitive behavioral therapy, and the CM which stands for contingency management. The FBT is basically defined as an approach that typically addresses the problems and issues that are co-occurring between parent and children, as well as, to the other family members. The CBT, on the other hand, is being used by the clients and therapists to sort out and pinpoint the thoughts and behaviors that are considered as very negative and can promote their addiction to the substance; while the CM is basically an approach in which the therapists are providing their clients or patients with rewards and incentives when they change their negative behavior into a positive one. Visit drug and alcohol treatment service Scranton PA for more insights.

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